The second article in the beginning of a series:

Our national security has long been one of the most important assets we cherish. Today, nothing in America moves without energy, but the definition of energy security isn’t confined to fuel for transportation. It also extends to power generation. To be independent means not just avoiding foreign oil, but creating a forward-thinking infrastructure that provides for our lifestyle needs. Whenever we flip a switch in this country, the power for our TV, air conditioning, or light comes on. We take this energy security for granted—-an attitude that ultimately could prove dangerous for our economic and national security well-being. My book, America Needs America’s Energy explains how we can accomplish that goal.

Energy security is based on an energy plan in which we all conserve and work to determine how we will obtain more oil and gas, or wind power…or any of the other alternative sources now becoming available—-to meet the demand. It is one thing to conserve, but we still must have energy. Energy security ensures we have the reliable energy sources to meet our needs that are available within our own country as well as from friendly allies. The energy dependence we suffer from today costs us economically, in the form of high prices and lost jobs. If we develop a People’s Energy Plan, it will lead us to economic prosperity and energy security.

Energy is the future of America and America Needs America’s Energy!,