The first article in the beginning of a series:

Four years ago, in my book The Braking Point, I expressed my view that America and the world were facing an energy crisis, but our energy problems could be solved. I stressed that failure to deal with this problem effectively would threaten our nation’s economic prosperity, compromise our national security, and could radically alter our way of life. Today, the United States still does not have a strategic energy plan. So, in this new book America Needs America’s Energy, I advocate that, as consumers of energy, we should drive the process, evaluating how we can best leverage our natural resources here at home to ensure long-term energy independence and security. Ultimately, creating an energy plan to achieve those goals is going to be up to us.

This book is dedicated to the proposition that we need an energy revolution in this country right now, and we must be the leaders. By turning to new technologies, innovation, and the enduring American spirit that has enabled us to overcome every challenge this nation has faced since our founding, the goal of total energy independence can be achieved before it is too late. We are the ones who will have to do it, because our societal institutions have proven they are not up to the task. It is time to take a stand, evaluate your own impact on our nation, and play your part in preserving our country. Energy is the future of America and America Needs America’s Energy!