The third article in the series:

I first recognized what a real force OPEC was in 1975 while working for then U. S.
Senator Dewey F. Bartlett. Senator Bartlett had asked several of his staff members
including myself to review remarks he was going to make in Norway before OPEC
officials. Only a year before, the energy industry had been deeply impacted by the 1973-
74 oil embargo. It was obvious that the energy industry and our nation’s petroleum
security would be important issues to deal with during my lifetime.

Energy Education needs to be at the forefront. The Energy Advocates has been a supporter of The International Energy Policy Conference since the late 90s. In the early 90s, I was becoming concerned about the future of energy along with the environment. So, in early 1992, I visited with Dr. Gus Gertsch, former head of Sarkeys Energy Center at the University of Oklahoma, about putting together an international energy conference to be held on the Norman campus.

Therefore, The International Energy Policy Conference (IEPC) was founded on October 27, 1992 on the campus of
the University of Oklahoma. I served as chairman and founder and have continued to
serve as chairman over the past twenty years. The conference’s initial theme was “Striving for Energy Efficiency and Environmental Preservation”. Each year since, we have had an annual sub-theme.

This year’s sub-theme is “Water Resources & The Future of Energy”. The conference returns to Oklahoma City and to the campus of the University of Oklahoma, October 25 and 26. You do not have to be directly involved to attend the conference as a delegate. Please go to for information about attendance or call toll free 1-877-715-1917. I am hoping that we have a good number of attendees/delegates from Elk City and Western Oklahoma.

Past Honorary Conference Chairs have included Ambassador Jeanne Kirkpatrick who
served three times, Ambassador Robert Jordan (Saudi Arabia), U. S. Senator Don
Nickles, and Lt. Governor Mary Fallin. In addition to the University of Oklahoma, the conference has been held at Oklahoma State University, Denver, Dallas, Houston, Washington, D.C., Oklahoma City and Tulsa. Go to to learn more.

Energy is the future of America and America Needs America’s Energy!