In 1993, I was asked to be a member of a four member delegation to meet with then Russian Energy Minister Yuri Shafranik. The association that coordinated the meeting was the Independent Petroleum Association of America.

The meeting took place at the Russian Embassy in Washington, D.C. Our discussion was focused on the 35,000 idle wells that existed in Russia at that time.

I observed first-hand how important an association can be in not only developing discussions but making sure there are follow-ups and plans executed. — Oklahoma has had several leaders that have had high profile positions within the IPAA: Lew Ward, Denise Bode, and many others.

Oklahoma has several energy associations/organizations that are very important to the cause of energy education. I will only highlight a few:

The Independent Petroleum Association of America, – The IPAA was founded in the summer of 1929. It has grown from a few founders to thousands of members. “Independent producers were in bad shape in 1929 and facing even more trouble times ahead. The government was encouraging oil imports. American oil reserves were plentiful, yet suspicion prevailed among federal policy makers that the United States was soon to run out of petroleum.” Though IPAA is based in Washington, D.C., Oklahomans are involved and are definitely a strong voice for the oil and natural gas industry.

Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association, – The OIPA has been a strong voice for independent producers for over 50 years. The OIPA mission statement: “To enhance and protect the economic well-being of the Oklahoma independent oil and natural gas industry.”

Oklahoma Marginal Well Commission, – Founded in 1992, the Governor appoints nine commissioners to the Commission. “It was formed to meet the emergency in which the State of Oklahoma found itself with the possible plugging and abandonment of more than 69,000 marginal wells which produced approximately three-fourths of all oil produced in Oklahoma.”

National Association of Royalty Owners, – Tulsa based, “The mission of NARO is to encourage and promote exploration and production of minerals in the United States while preserving, protecting, advancing, and representing the interests and rights of mineral and royalty owners through education, advocacy and assistance to our members, to NARO chapter organizations, to government bodies and to the public.”

America Needs America’s Energy!