Ron Hart
Humorist, CNN Commentator, and National Columnist
Air Date November 13, 2011

Ron Hart grew up in Tennessee and began writing a column for his hometown paper in 2002. He attended The University of Memphis and the Institute for Political and Economic Systems at Georgetown University. Ron graduated Magna Cum Laude and was elected student government president. Upon getting his MBA, he went to work for Goldman Sachs. He was appointed to the Tennessee Board of Regents by then Governor Lamar Alexander and is now an investor.

Ron’s book There’s No Such Thing As A Pretty Good Alligator Wrestler was awarded the 2011 Benjamin Franklin Award for Humor/Satire, presented in New York City by the Independent Book Publishers Association. He appears on CNN and has been quoted in numerous publications including the Wall Street Journal. Ron and his wife Jackie have three college aged children, the oldest of whom is currently in medical school at the University of Tennessee.

Ron’s columns reflect a rare combination of Southern libertarian views and humor and have been described as “Lewis Grizzard meets P.J. O’Rourke with a dash of Will Roger’s horse sense”. His columns are carried by 40 newspapers with a total weekly circulation of approximately 1 million readers. Ron can be reached at: or