Category: Guests (Page 1 of 11)

Dewey Bartlett

Dewey BartlettDewey Bartlett
Mayor of Tulsa, OK

Air Date, August 17, 2014

Dewey F. Bartlett, Jr. was re-elected on Nov. 12, 2013 for a second term and is the 40th Mayor of Tulsa. He also is the President of Keener Oil & Gas Company since 1994. Son of an oilman, Oklahoma Governor and U.S. Senator, Bartlett’s legacy spans decades of integrity and conservative values. He graduated from Southern Methodist University with a master’s degree in Business Administration in Finance.

Mayor Dewey Bartlett is dedicated and passionate about the energy industry in Oklahoma. He has served as chairman of the National Stripper Well Association, Oklahoma Energy Resources Board, and Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association. Bartlett has also served as a board member for the Grand River Dam Authority and Independent Petroleum Association of America.

Bartlett’s time as mayor in Tulsa is best known for his work to restore fiscal health to the city during challenging economic times. Upon entering office, Bartlett cut spending by 10 percent to balance the city budget and began to add money to the Rainy Day Fund, reserve account, and pension system.

Bartlett also aspires to make Tulsa the best city for business and job growth in America. Focusing on the energy, aerospace, and manufacturing industries, he has aggressively pursued economic expansion in Tulsa at a rate of over 9,000 new jobs created since becoming mayor in 2009.

Dewey Bartlett has a heart and vision for Tulsa and is dedicated to improving life for all Tulsans. Together, he and his wife, Victoria, have three children and two grandchildren who all proudly call Tulsa home.

Brent Hull

brenthullBrent Hull
Author of Building A Timeless House In An Instant Age
Air Date, August 3, 2014

Brent Hull, Owner & President of Hull Historical, is a nationally recognized authority on historic design, architecturally correct moldings and millwork. Trained in the art of museum quality preservation at the prestigious North Bennet Street School in Boston, Brent is the exclusive licensee for the architectural interiors of the Winterthur Museum and Country Estate in Wilmington, Delaware, the original home of H.F. du Pont. Hull is a board member of the Texas Chapter of the ICAA, and recipient of the 2012 NBSS Distinguished Alumni Award.

Brent Hull consults on any and all aspects of classical architectural design, historic preservation and restoration and custom millwork design. Architects and designers turn to Brent to satisfy their desires for formality, correctness and historical significance.

A dynamic, popular speaker, Brent Hull has developed a reputation for packing rooms with architects, designers and residential home builders eager to learn classical design from an expert.

Moldings & Classical Interiors: Changing Interior Spaces Using Classical Design (CEU)
Classical Interiors 2.0: Advanced (CEU)
Historic Millwork: Lessons for Today
Traditional Design: Historic Interiors
The Master Builder: Being a Master in a Modern World
Old v. New: Why Preservation is Better than New Building

Jonathan Neff

jonathanneffJonathan Neff
International Attorney
Air Date, July 27, 2014

Jonathan Neff has practiced law in Tulsa, Oklahoma, since 1985, with an emphasis on contract law. His extensive legal experience includes contracts dealing with international trade, manufacturing and distribution, construction and real estate, business formation, and corporate and securities law. His practice includes both domestic and international business transactions, as well as state and federal litigation.

Kris Rush

krisrushKris Rush
CEO Rush Strategies,
Air Date, July 20, 2014

Kris Rush has been a national, state and local chamber and economic development executive, a national trade association leader, and seasoned government affairs pro for three decades.   Her passion for small business ingenuity and resilience – and frustration with the negative way national media often covers business stories – led to the launch of JustGoodNews.BIZ. Connect with Kris.

Joe Dorman

joedormanJoe Dorman
Candidate for Oklahoma Governor, former State Representative
Air Date, July 6, 2014

A committed public servant for almost 20 years, Rep. Joe Dorman has dedicated his career to making life better for all Oklahomans. His love for service began at an early age with the lessons of his parents, Bill and Jan Dorman. Their example led him to know without a doubt that serving others is the highest calling.

Joe began his service to the State of Oklahoma as a mail clerk, then working his way up to an executive staff member at the Oklahoma House of Representatives. Since 2003 he has served as the State Representative for his friends and neighbors in Rush Springs and Grady, Caddo, Comanche, Cotton and Stephens counties.

While in the legislature, Rep. Dorman has been known as a common sense legislator willing to work across party lines to help his fellow Oklahomans. In fact, those efforts earned him praise from an editorial in The Oklahoman acknowledging:

Dorman has repeatedly demonstrated why he’s among the best and brightest, not just in his own political party but among all lawmakers.

This unique ability to lead by example, to find workable solutions for the hard-working people of Oklahoma have prepared him to serve as a Governor for all Oklahomans. Whether it’s fighting for education, sound fiscal policy, worker’s rights, better treatment of our seniors or the safety of our schoolchildren, Joe has time and again demonstrated a devotion to service. He is proud to place the needs of all Oklahomans over politics.

A proud Oklahoman, Joe remains close to his roots and the community that formed his strong love for this great state. A graduate of Rush Springs High School, Joe earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Oklahoma State University in 1994.

T.W. Shannon

twshannonT.W. Shannon
U.S. Senate Candidate, former Oklahoma Speaker of the House
Air Date, June 22, 2014

T.W. Shannon learned the values of faith, family, hard work, and personal responsibility in the pews of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Lawton, Okla. He still serves there today as a Sunday School teacher.

A champion for limited government, T.W. first was elected to the state House of Representatives in 2006 from his hometown of Lawton.

Chosen by his Republican House colleagues, T.W. became Oklahoma’s youngest and first African American House speaker. He is also an enrolled member of the Chickasaw Nation.

When T.W. became speaker of the House in Oklahoma, he advocated for policies that could break the devastating cycle of government dependency, instead helping people move toward self-reliance. He understands the key to helping people who are dependent on government assistance restore their dignity is to break the cycle of generational poverty. He continues to be a leading voice in Oklahoma politics for State’s rights, and has been coined by many “the most conservative Speaker in State History.”

T.W. has worked hard to shrink the size of state government and reduce the state’s debt. He led the way to lower income tax rates so people could keep more of what they earn. He insisted that the state sell its underutilized assets. He authored the monumental workers compensation reform which saves businesses millions of dollars. He also authored welfare reform which adds work requirements for healthy food stamp recipients.

GOPAC recently recognized T.W. by adding this proud Oklahoman to its advisory board. The Republican National Committee recently named Shannon one of its “Rising Stars.”

Shannon has reliably supported pro-life legislation. He has participated in the Pro-Family Legislators Conference, sponsored by historian David Barton’s WallBuilders organization.

T.W. earned a bachelor of arts in communications from Cameron University and holds a juris doctorate from Oklahoma City University Law School. He worked as a field representative for former Congressman J.C. Watts and served Congressman Tom Cole in the same position after he won the seat. At a young age fresh out of college, T.W. served as the chief administrative officer for the Chickasaw Nation, one of the most prosperous Native American tribes in the country.

T.W has been married to his college sweetheart, Devon, for 12 years and they have two children, Audrey Grace and T.W. II.

Dr. Robert Kaufman

drrobertkaufmanDr. Robert Kaufman
Author & Professor of Public Policy at Pepperdine University
Air Date, June 8, 2014

Robert G. Kaufman is a political scientist specializing in American foreign policy, national security, international relations, and various aspects of American politics. Kaufman received his JD from Georgetown University Law School in Washington, D.C., and his BA, MA, M. Phil., and PhD from Columbia University in the city of New York.
Kaufman has written frequently for scholarly journals and popular publications, including The Weekly Standard, Policy Review, The Washington Times, the Baltimore Sun, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. He is the author of three books. His most recent book In Defense of the Bush Doctrine was published by the University Press of Kentucky in May 2007. In 2000, his biography, Henry M Jackson: A Life in Politics received the Emil and Katherine Sick Award for the best book on the history of the Pacific Northwest. His first book, Arms Control During the Prenuclear Era, which Columbia University Press published, studied the interwar naval treaties and their linkage to the outbreak of World War II in the Pacific. Kaufman also assisted President Richard M. Nixon in the research and writing of Nixon’s final Book, Beyond Peace. He is currently in the research phase of a biography of President Ronald Reagan, focusing on his presidency and his quest for it.
Kaufman is a former Bradley Scholar and current adjunct scholar at the Heritage Foundation. He has taught at Colgate University, The Naval War College, and the University of Vermont.

MPP 600 Roots of American Order: What is Public Policy
MPP 670 War, Strategy, Democracy, and Politics
MPP 673 Contending Approaches to International Politics
MPP 674 Prudence in Politics
MPP 674 Contemporary Issues in American Foreign Policy
Academic Interests:

American Foreign Policy
American Politics
International Relations
National Security

Dr. Steven Shama

drsteveshamaDr. Steve Shama
Keynote Speaker
Air Date, June 1, 2014

Dr. Steve Shama holds a Bachelor of Arts (AB) degree from Columbia College, a Medical Degree (MD) from Temple University School of Medicine and a Masters Degree in Public Health (MPH) from the Harvard School of Public Health.

He spent the early part of his career working with the National Institute For Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), traveling the country performing hazard evaluations in industry and conducting medical research. After completing his MPH in 1974, Steve completed his dermatology residency at Harvard Medical School Department of Dermatology in Boston. He also did a fellowship at St. John’s Hospital for Diseases of the Skin in London, England, working on ways to eliminate and treat industrial skin diseases. He has taught at Harvard Medical School as an instructor in dermatology for many years.

For over 30 years, Steve has been in private practice in dermatology and has been on the medical staff of the New England Deaconess Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston. He is a member of the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Dermatology, the National Speakers Association and a life member of the Creative Education Foundation.

In 2010, Steve retired from medicine to devote more time to his other passion, engaging audiences all around the country with his unique brand of personal experiences and practical humor.

Steve has spoken to thousands of people since 1987, throughout the United States, Canada and Israel. Through his passionate keynote speeches and dynamic workshops, Steve’s inspirational stories and concrete examples help medical professionals, general audiences, and our youth learn how to communicate and connect in these challenging times – making it possible for them to rediscover their passion and joys of life.

Marianne Horinko

mariannehorinkoMarianne Horinko
President, The Horinko Group & Former Acting Administrator of the EPA
Air Date February 10, 2013

Marianne L. Horinko is the President of The Horinko Group (THG). Ms. Horinko’s expertise is in watershed-based approaches to cleanup and revitalization, corporate sustainability, and collaborative solutions to environmental progress through unique public-private partnerships. Prior to joining THG, she served as Assistant Administrator for the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from 2001 to 2004, and Acting EPA Administrator in 2003 between Administrators Christine Todd Whitman and Michael O. Leavitt.

Following the events of September 11, Ms. Horinko served at EPA assisting in environmental cleanup activities at Ground Zero in lower Manhattan, the Pentagon in Washington DC, and the U.S. Capitol due to anthrax contamination. In 2003, she oversaw EPA’s response to the Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster. As a result of these experiences, she crafted the groundbreaking National Approach to Response. She brought new approaches to environmental protection using partnerships, flexibility, and innovation to create environmental improvement. The Brownfields program, signed into law by President Bush in 2002, is the embodiment of these new approaches. Under her leadership, the budget for the Brownfields program more than doubled.

During the first Bush Administration, Ms. Horinko was Attorney Advisor to Don Clay, EPA’s Assistant Administrator for OSWER. Subsequently, she served as President of Clay Associates, Inc., a national environmental policy consulting firm, where she launched the RCRA Policy Forum. Ms. Horinko is an alumna of the University of Maryland, College Park (B.S. in analytical chemistry, 1982) and Georgetown University Law School (J.D., 1986).

Jennifer Bradley

jenniferbradleyJennifer Bradley
Author of “The Metropolitan Revolution”
Air date, May 11, 2014

Jennifer Bradley is a fellow at the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program and the co-author of The Metropolitan Revolution (Brookings Press, 2013). The book, and her work in general, explain the critical role of metropolitan areas in the country’s economy, society, and politics. Jennifer has written for The New Republic, the Atlantic Monthly, Democracy, and the American Prospect.

During a brief legal career, she co-authored Supreme Court briefs in cases that affirmed the constitutional powers of local governments. She has a J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center, and MPhil from Oxford University, which she attended on a Rhodes Scholarship, and a B.A. from the University of Texas.

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