Randy Eminger
Vice President for the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity
Air Date November 27, 2011

Randy is vice president for the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, a nonprofit research and advocacy organization, dedicated to promoting advanced coal-based electricity for the future. Randy joined the CEED (ACCCE) staff in 1995, and is responsible for coordinating ACCCE’s efforts in the diverse 11-state south region. Among his position’s responsibilities, Randy oversees studies, develops coalitions and negotiates positions to ensure that clean coal technology continues to play a key role in meeting America’s growing demand for electricity.

In addition to his duties as south region VP, he also serves as vice chairman of the board of the Clean Coal Technology Foundation of Texas; serves on the utility advisory board for the Southern States Energy Board and the policy advisory board of the energy council; and is a board member of the International Society of Energy Advocates.

Prior to ACCCE, Randy coordinated state affairs for the Southwestern Public Service Company, an investor-owned electric utility that serves parts of Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Kansas. He has a bachelor’s degree in business administration and marketing. And, he acquired professional training in leadership and organizational management from MIT and Darden.