My last week’s column focused on Robert Hefner III’s book entitled ‘The GET” (The Grand Energy Transition). This week’s column highlights the importance of natural gas to Oklahoma and to our Nation.

Oklahoma is one of the top natural gas producing States in the Nation. Its economic impact is so important to our State:

For example, Oklahoma received over $1.07 billion in gross production tax dollars from crude oil and natural gas in 2006 alone. There are over 60,000 employees and approximately 250,000 jobs in Oklahoma due to the Natural Gas Industry. And the total impact of the oil and gas industry is approx. $23 billion dollars a year.

More than a dozen of the 100 largest natural gas fields in the U. S. are found in Oklahoma. Natural gas in the State is used primarily for electricity generation and industrial sectors. About 1/3 of the State’s natural gas is consumed within the State. The remaining balance is sent via pipeline to neighboring States.

Oklahoma has the opportunity of being the “Center for Energy Excellence” both nationally and globally.

We need to strengthen our support of the Natural Gas Industry in a time of much needed transition. Therefore, working to attract oil and gas energy companies that are out of State to relocate to Oklahoma, making sure we have the proper incentives in place, i.e.
tax structure, tax credits, infrastructures, and other incentives.

We need to support Advocacy, getting the message to all consumers of the importance of natural gas. And we need to take the lead in developing a national comprehensive energy plan.

We need to support efforts for Education, i.e. research and development, technological advancement, providing training, developing manpower and so on. Bottom-line:
We need to become the Center for Energy Excellence both nationally and globally.

This is Oklahoma’s time to take action and become not just a leader but The Leader in energy research and development, training, advocacy and education. Thanks to all those involved with the Natural Gas Industry for your commitment to providing energy for decades to come!

Please send your comments, topic suggestions, and questions to me. My email is America Needs America’s Energy and Together, We can make a difference!