My last column focused on the importance of fellow Oklahoman Robert Hefner III’s contribution to our energy past, present, and future.

This column highlights Robert Hefner III’s book entitled “The GET” (Grand Energy Transition).

The book has brought national and international attention.

Ted Turner purchased several hundred copies of Hefner’s book and had them distributed to Congressmen and Fortune 500 executives. Turner states about the book “if you care about the future you must read this book”.

Donald J. Trump states, “As a successful businessman and international real estate developer, I know the economic and environmental importance of energy. Robert Hefner, with over fifty years of hands-on experience in the complex world of energy production, consumption, and politics has written a groundbreaking book that cuts through the confusion and shows us a clear, common sense path forward. His concept that The Grand Energy Transition is choosing the energy winners is critically important. America does not have time for energy losers.”

Having been in the natural gas industry for over thirty-five years, it is my strong opinion that this book is a must read. This nation needs America’s Natural Gas! In fact, already in Los Angeles, I have seen first-hand how natural gas is making an impact. I have seen running up and down the busy streets of Los Angeles the nation’s largest fleet of buses run on compressed natural gas.

The book has twelve chapters filled with significant information and overviews about natural gas.

Our nation definitely needs to shape its energy future. Hefner provides a roadmap of how natural gas will play such a vital role.

Hefner makes the convincing case that there is an abundance of natural gas, and that it is an environmentally friendly fuel, He emphasizes that “oil has indeed begun its twilight years” and that natural gas will be a force.

Therefore, Hefner delivers the message that our energy future will be the “Age of Energy Gases” which includes solar and wind.

Hefner describes why natural gas will work. He provides historical data that supports natural gas. He points out that “America has houses, offices and industries that are already connected to America’s 2.2 million mile natural gas pipeline. And that in America 63 million are on the grid, so about 130 million cars return each night to a place where they could easily be refilled”.

He encourages consumers to look at all the opportunities that natural gas provides such as energy efficiency, economic impact, a transmission option and power generation solution.

Bottom-line, Hefner states that “natural gas is the bridge fuel to the hydrogen economy”.

Again, I encourage you to purchase his book, The Grand Energy Transition, The GET. A documentary based upon his book was released this year and has been shown in Elk City and throughout the country. It was shown on OETA, a PBS affiliate, a few weeks ago.

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