America has over the last few years been reaching closer and closer to “energy independence”. With the oil and gas shale play throughout the US, we have seen much success in that endeavor.
This past spring, I had the opportunity to be a producer of a documentary film, The Grand Energy Transition, released in April, 2012. The documentary detailed the importance that natural gas and the shale play is to the future energy needs of America. Many of you have seen the film either in Elk City at our premiere western Oklahoma showing and/or on the PBS affiliate OETA.
Recently, a film The Promised Land starring Matt Damon has been released which demeans the oil and gas industry. About the time we are getting closer to American energy independence, we have this movie countering all the important advance of the oil and gas industry.
It is interesting to note that it has been reported that funding for Damon’s film comes in part from Abu Dhabi, not necessarily interested in our energy well-being.
The threats that have been mentioned in the movie such as hydraulic fracturing “fracking” have been addressed in our documentary and I believe, most convincingly.
America Needs America’s Energy, which provides economic certainty and jobs.
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