A few weeks ago, October 25-27, the 20th Annual International Energy Policy Conference (IEPC) was held at the Waterford Marriott Hotel and the Petroleum Club, Oklahoma City and one day held on the campus of the University of Oklahoma, Norman.

There were over 270 registered delegates from across the United States and globally attending the three day conference including several from Elk City and western Oklahoma: Mary Fern Carpenter, Andrew Carpenter, Peggy Hayhurst, Bill and Lois Hubbard, June Conrad, June Loveless, Purcy Walker and Tony Mikles. Purcy and Mary Fern served on the IEPC Conference Host Committee. My Dad, George Stansberry, served on the Founding Committee, (1992-93).

There were 26 speakers/panelists making presentations including Dr. Woodrow Clark, co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, The Chickasaw Nation Governor Bill Anoatubby, U. S. Congressman James Lankford, Oklahoma Corporation Commissioner Chair Patrice Douglas, and Ambassador Boulal of the Kingdom of Morocco.

The IEPC awards reception and dinner were held at the Sam Noble Museum, University of Oklahoma.

What was accomplished at this year’s conference?

The conference brought stakeholders together from not only the energy sector, i.e. oil, natural gas, coal, wind, nuclear, solar, biomass, but also, concerned citizens, representatives from government, agriculture, higher education, business, students and others.

One of the conclusions was that America Needs America’s Energy developed with the ultimate goal of gaining independence and that America should be the global leader when it comes to research and development along with technological advancement.

Everyone is a stakeholder in the national and global energy outlook. It is important that we continue to address key energy issues before us.

I would like to hear from you. Your input and actions should lead us to a bright energy future. Together, we can meet the challenges ahead.

“Future generations are depending on us to keep the American dream alive.”

Go to-www.peoplesenergyplan.com, Facebook: America Needs America’s Energy