First of all, thanks to many of you who are following the “America Needs America’s Energy” page on Facebook! (We recently passed 4000 “likes”/individuals).

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 authorized more than $2 billion for a hydrogen fuel cell program by 2020, along with loan guarantees for nuclear power plants, clean coal technology, and wind energy. Interesting to note is that hydrogen today is used to power commercial buses, and hydrogen is used in many commercial applications for welding metal, to dying fabrics, to making electronic plastics and fertilizers.

Hydrogen Pros: 1. Hydrogen burns cleanly. 2. Hydrogen can be quickly refueled. 3. Hydrogen is the most abundant element on the planet. 4. Hydrogen is twice as efficient as gasoline.

Hydrogen Cons: 1. A large quantity of energy is required to produce hydrogen for energy. 2. There is no hydrogen infrastructure. 3. Few refueling stations for hydrogen-powered cars exist.

How fast we will move towards the hydrogen economy is yet to be seen. As Dr. Woodrow Clark states about my book, America Needs America’s Energy: “As Mark states, ‘The time has come for all of us, the people, to take control of our energy future here in America.’ He and I have discussed the importance of moving inevitably toward a hydrogen economy. I believe, after reviewing all the energy options presented in his book, it should move us closer to achieving that possibility. The future is now for us and our children. We cannot wait any longer”. America Needs America’s Energy! Go to Facebook: America Needs America’s Energy