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Cameron McConnell

cameronmcconnellCameron McConnell, Author of ‘Build to Prosper”
Air Date, February 09, 2014

Cameron J. McConnell is the Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Build to Prosper, a division of the McConnell Group, LLC. MGLLC is a consulting firm that specializes in helping business owners earn sustained pretax profits that are reinvested in innovation.

Cam has pioneered the Business Modeling Methodology (BMM), a ten-step business plan tool that for thirty-five years has proved consistently to help business owners build their business.

From his first job with IBM through his work as a CPA for KPMG to serving as a CEO for a Purex Industries aeromotive subsidiary, Cam honed his business savvy and intensified his desire to help business owners. Today, Cam’s vision remains to assist business owners to return to the “Prosperity Curve.” Cam hopes that we can provide a better earth to our children and to our children’s children.

Cam and his wife Ginny live in Southern California. They have children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren in the United States, England, and Nepal.

See more at:

China’s Energy Card

Since the 1970s, America’s main energy security threat has been OPEC, (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries). P. R. China is well under way to position itself as the next major global energy market threat.

Though the US is producing abundantly more oil and natural gas domestically and was a net exporter of petroleum products in 2011, China has taken a keen interest in the development and investment in US energy assets.

Energy companies within Oklahoma and throughout the US have partnered with China companies. Is that good or bad? Yes.

The influx of foreign investment in our natural resources is a mixed blessing. On the one hand, it has provided cash infusion for some of our US energy companies. On the other hand, foreign ownership in US company assets could present an energy security threat in the future.

China has been spending billions of dollars to acquire interests in US energy companies. It is dramatically increasing its investment in the US.

China’s energy card is being used to position itself as a major investor in all continents throughout the world.

China is focusing in on natural gas development. The manufacturing of LNG tankers is becoming a focus of China.

Demand for oil continues at a rapid pace. China’s electricity consumption is projected to nearly triple over the next decade, growing to an average of over 4 percent per year.

I have seen first-hand from my first business trip to P.R. China in 1994 to my last business trip in 2006 how tremendous economic development has occurred and is continuing to occur. The demand for energy that P. R. China will need in the years ahead is staggering.

China has closed in on the US when it comes to buying oil from the Middle East. So both countries, the US and China, are showing strong interest in the Middle East region with their military presence.

The US, for many years, has served as the energy security “police” of the Middle East region, making sure that all ports remained open for business. There is now the potential for additional tension build-up in the region.

The front cover of The Journal of International Security Affairs, Fall/Winter 2013 sums it up best, “China’s Rise…And Why We Should Worry”.

On top of all this, recently, Russia and P. R. China are teaming up. Russia agreed to supply China with more oil and will develop an oil refinery together.

The good news is that America is becoming less and less dependent on foreign oil especially from the Middle East region.

It is extremely important that the US be in a strong position of securing energy reserves within its own boundaries. Therefore, we need a plan. The US needs energy security. America Needs America’s Energy!

Together we can create the People’s Energy Plan! Go to to join the effort. Facebook: America Needs America’s Energy with over 9000 supporters plus and growing. — America Needs America’s Energy: Creating Together the People’s Energy Plan!

Chris Benge

chrisbenge.jpgChris Benge, Oklahoma Secretary of State
Air Date, February 2, 2014

Chris Benge was appointed as Oklahoma’s 33rd Secretary of State by Governor Mary Fallin on November 8, 2013. In addition to his duties as Secretary of State, Benge serves on the Governor’s Cabinet.

Secretary Benge was elected to the Oklahoma House of Representatives in 1998 and left office in November 2010 due to legislative term limits. He served six years in leadership positions, including three years as Chairman of the Appropriations and Budget Committee, which was responsible for negotiating and writing the state budget. He spent his last three years in office as Speaker of the House.

After his legislative service, Benge worked in Tulsa Mayor Dewey Bartlett’s administration as the Director of Intergovernmental and Enterprise Development. His focus was on public policy and special project development, such as river development, transportation, infrastructure needs, and energy leadership. He also concentrated on strengthening working partnerships between Tulsa County and the surrounding communities in the region.

Most recently, Benge served as Senior Vice President of Government Affairs with the Tulsa Regional Chamber, leading the organization’s advocacy efforts at the state and federal level through the OneVoice process, as well as working with city and county officials on local policy issues.

Benge’s legislative service was highlighted by focusing on ways to encourage economic development and job growth for the citizens of Oklahoma. He was committed to funding transportation infrastructure, addressing physician training by stabilizing the OSU Medical Center, and promoting education initiatives.

He also focused on pension reform, government efficiency, and responsible use of excess oil and gas tax collections.

Benge made significant contributions to The Oklahoma Quality Jobs Program and the Closing Fund, which have brought numerous high caliber jobs to the state. He also pushed for incentives that assisted local industry growth in aerospace and energy. He received recognition for his efforts to help the state create a favorable business climate from the Oklahoma State Chamber with the organization’s Defender of Free Enterprise Award for 2009.

Benge also brought particular attention to the use of domestic energy in the state by working to establish a set of energy goals for Oklahoma that included increased use of natural gas for transportation. These efforts led to his testifying before a Congressional Committee on the benefits of using more natural gas for transportation purposes.

A lifetime Tulsa area resident, Benge and his wife, Allison, along with their two children reside in the community of Berryhill. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Oklahoma State University.


  • Best of Tulsa Community College Distinguished Alumni inductee, 2005
  • Legislative Advocate of the Year, Oklahoma Economic Development Council, 2008
  • Defender of Free Enterprise, State Chamber of Commerce, 2008
  • Distinguished Service Award, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, 2009
  • Jim Close Humanitarian Award, Southwest Tulsa Chamber, 2010
  • Natural Gas Vehicles of America Legislator of the Year, 2010
  • OSU Tulsa Icon Award, 2013.

Energy Issues and Views

Last week’s column and in this week’s column, I address questions that I have been asked regarding energy issues and views.

-How has the energy picture changed in the past five years, from a global perspective?

In 2008, the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) were the focus, with economic experts predicting they would become the growing powers for the twenty-first century.  As the world’s consumption continued to increase, analysts thought it might be difficult for current levels of production to satisfy demand.  Today, China is already taking 38 percent more oil from the Middle East than the United States, and its electricity consumption is projected to nearly triple over the next decade.  But the world remains heavily dependent on oil from Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Iran—all of which are politically unstable.  The United States needs an abundance of oil which makes a strong case for why “America Needs America’s Energy”.

-What are the major variables that impact the energy industry in America?

The major moving parts that impact us in the energy industry can include increasing demand, terrorism, and inadequate government policy.  The good news is that recent finds of oil and gas reserves in our country mean production is far from peaking, and demand continues on the upside for both transportation and power generation in a digital age.   Meantime, we face continual terrorist threats and suffer from government policy focused solely on alternative energy options that, while potentially attractive in the long-run, cannot meet the demand in our country in the near future.

-What are the most common misconceptions about the energy industry?

For years the public perception of the energy industry has been that of fat cats, ruthless J. R. Ewing types who make a killing off oil in their own backyard, when nothing could be further from the truth.  Today 60 percent of our domestic oil production comes from thousands of average Americans who operate wells producing ten barrels or less a day but provide these people with a living.  And now, hundreds of everyday citizens who own land and royalty rights in Pennsylvania, for example, are benefiting from oil and gas lease bonuses.

As for “windfall profits”, US oil and gas companies’ net profit margins lag far behind several industrial sectors.  Another bogus idea is that energy companies do not pay their fair share of taxes when, in reality they do.  This is another reason why “America Needs America’s Energy” because relying on our own sources not only adds to our tax coffers, but creates jobs that

stimulate the economy.

America Needs America’s Energy!

Together we can create the People’s Energy Plan!  Go to to join the effort.  Facebook:  America Needs America’s Energy with over 8500 supporters plus and growing.  —   America Needs America’s Energy:  Creating Together the People’s Energy Plan!

Energy Issues and Views

This column and in next week’s column, I will address questions that I have been asked regarding energy issues and views.

-What are the environmental concerns about hydraulic fracturing, known as “fracking”, and how is the oil and gas industry addressing them?

Consumers need to know that the hydraulic fracturing process, or “fracking” as it is more commonly known, has been in use for more than sixty years.  Once the drilling of a well has been completed, the shale is cracked by tiny ruptures, allowing the application of water, sand, and a small amount of chemical additives to release natural gas, for example.  In America Needs America’s Energy, I explain that there have been minimal reports of improper disposal of wastewater and that energy companies involved in fracking realize the importance of water resources for generations ahead, so they are applying technology to clean and reuse water.  Many companies post information about the fracking fluids being used.  Please note that I go into more detail in my latest book America’s Energy:  Issues and Views, Volume 1.

-Explain why you believe that America is inevitably moving toward a hydrogen economy and how will that impact the consumer.

First, the use of hydrogen greatly reduces pollution.  When hydrogen is combined with oxygen in a fuel cell, energy in the form of electricity is produced.  This electricity can be used to power vehicles, as a heat source, or applied to other uses.  Second, hydrogen can be produced locally from numerous sources.  Hydrogen gas can be produced from methane (natural gas) for example.  Lastly, if hydrogen is produced from water, we have a sustainable production system.

-How can consumers participate in creating an energy plan for this country?

The first step we can take is to conduct a self-audit of our own personal energy use.  In America Needs America’s Energy, I provide a sample copy of a standard report that homeowners in metro Nashville receive following a voluntary in-home energy evaluation (audit).  This Energy Action Plan shows participants the project energy savings associated with each recommended measure, such as insulating your water heater or attic.

Following that, I have provided Personal Energy Evaluation Journal forms through 2016.  The idea is to create your own personal energy plan based on the evaluation and then develop it for the several years.   At the end of each year, you can check to see if you have met your goals.  If not, you can either adjust your goals for the next five years, or lies the steps needed to achieve your personal energy goals in the near future.  You may want to include others in this initial planning stage, such as your family, your company, or your organization.

America Needs America’s Energy!

Together we can create the People’s Energy Plan!  Go to to join the effort.  Facebook:  America Needs America’s Energy with over 8500 supporters plus and growing.  —   America Needs America’s Energy:  Creating Together the People’s Energy Plan!

America’s Energy Sustainability

There is no question that tax reforms are needed.

However, two provisions that continue to be debated are the percentage depletion allowance and the intangible drilling costs deduction, (IDCs).

The oil and gas industry depends on these two provisions.  The provisions are not identified to be subsidies or loopholes.

To the oil and gas industry, these provisions are important for producers to have capital sustainability and to have a vibrant sector.   With improved cash flow, the industry can invest money into economic development and jobs that are so critical to the US.

Studies have shown that by repealing the percentage depletion and the IDCs the US would face the impact of less wells being drilled, less jobs, and less production.  There is no doubt that this impact could be dramatic at a time when the industry is moving forward aggressively.   

It has been estimated that over 190,000 jobs would be lost within one year if both provisions are repealed.

These two provisions are cost recovery measures.  This is a time when US policies should strengthen our development of this country’s great sources of oil and gas.

Economic stability is closer to being within reach when the US has a strong energy sector.    According to the latest Business Executives for National Security’s report entitled “Security in the New Energy Landscape:  Assessing the Geostrategic Impact of the Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution”, “the US shale boom is unique, from its origins to its tremendous global implications.  The combination of accessible geology, cost-effective technology, and a robust support and investment system fostered a new industry not replicable anywhere else in the world.  The boom helps meet rising demand for hydrocarbons in the developing world by increasing global supply elasticity.  New jobs are invigorating the American economy and the US might even become an energy exporter for the first time in decades.  Moreover, the US security portfolio is adapting.”

As US Congressman James Lankford recently stated, “The tax policy for energy exploration is similar to every other American manufacturing business.  It allows companies to deduct business expenses to incentivize private capital investment and spur growth in high-paying American jobs.”

America’s energy sustainability can only be achieved with the right incentives and right provisions being in place.  America Needs America’s Energy!

Together we can create the People’s Energy Plan!  Go to to join the effort.  Facebook:  America Needs America’s Energy with over 8500 supporters plus and growing.  —   America Needs America’s Energy:  Creating Together the Peoples’ Energy Plan!

Mexico and North America’s Energy, Part 2

A few weeks ago, my column was entitled “Mexico and North America’s Energy”.

As I stated, “several years ago, I had the opportunity of serving on an advisory committee appointed by the Mexico Trade Commissioner who was based in the Dallas, Texas regional office.  The advisory committee’s focus was trade and tourism between Mexico and the US.  The committee was comprised of US and Mexico business representatives.

One issue that was addressed was US and Mexico energy relations.  Since 1938, Mexico has been under strict governmental guidelines with no privatization in place.”

As I stated in my book, The Braking Point, “the first sign of changing of the guard came in 1938 when Mexico President Lazaro Cardenas nationalized the nation’s oil.  Cardenas made this move to prevent further Americanization of Mexico.

This move pushed all of the American oil companies out of Mexico…This move also gave Mexico full control over the production and export of oil.”

Seventy-five years later, in August, 2013, President Enrique Pena Nieto proposed a plan to open its oil and gas sector to foreign investments through private-public partnerships.

Since the last column on this issue, Mexico’s Congress has recently passed constitutional amendments overturning the nationalization of the oil industry.  Mexico is now open for business when it comes to the energy sector.

There is no doubt in my mind that leaders in Mexico wanted to reap the same benefits that the American oil and gas industry has made over the last few years.

As I stated in August in an interview with the Wall Street Journal’s MarketWatch, “Mexico has strong potential to enhance oil and gas production by the support of US technology alone.  With US technology and expertise, Mexico and North America could potentially benefit in a very positive way.  With that said, there are a lot of details to work out.”

Although the nationalization of Mexico’s petroleum industry did not help the people of Mexico for the past seventy-five years, this move can hopefully bring economic stability to Mexico along with North America.

America Needs America’s Energy!  Together we can create the People’s Energy Plan!  Go to to join the effort.  Facebook:  America Needs America’s Energy with over 8500 supporters plus and growing.  —   America Needs America’s Energy:  Creating Together the Peoples’ Energy Plan!

Catherine Jayne

catherinejayneCatherine Jayne
Principal, Jayne Communication Strategies
Air Date, January 5, 2013

Jayne Communication Strategies is a consulting agency founded by Catherine Jayne, whose experience with public relations and marketing spans over 10 years.

JCS clients range from investment funds and financial advisors to non-profits and  start-ups, and success with them has spanned a wide variety of areas from crisis management to branding. JCS specializes in targeting niche markets, such as the high-net-worth investor, and bringing fully customized solutions to its unique and varied client base.

After earning her M.A. at Cambridge University and her Ph.D. at the London School of Economics in 1998, she lectured in Applied Economics at the University of Paris and Diplomatic History at UCLA.  She authored Oil, War and Anglo-American Relations, published by Praeger/Greenwood.  Former United States Ambassador to Mexico Julian Nava contributed the foreword.

Catherine started her work in public relations when her expertise in oil led to a job in the Public Relations and Communications Division of Occidental Petroleum.  During her tenure with the Fortune 500 company, she wrote speeches for the Chief Executive Officer, the company’s annual report, sustainability best practices and international marketing materials.  She also taught in the company’s Executive Leadership Development Program.

Catherine served on the Board of Directors of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce Leadership LA Foundation.  In her spare time she enjoys giving back to the community through youth mentorship programs, playing classical piano and painting.

The Alloway Factor: Making a Difference!

The oil and gas industry recently lost another great leader.  The memorial service in honor of

A. M. “Mac” Alloway was held December 7th in Tulsa, Ok.

I was asked to prepare his eulogy.  I share the message with you because his life stands out as an example for not only those in the oil and gas industry but everyone who reads this column. You may not have known Mac but by the time you end reading this column, I believe you will relate to this wonderful individual life’s contributions.

“Today, we celebrate a Life:  the life of Arthur McAlly Alloway!  Most of us knew him as Mac.

His smile, his hugs, his laugh, his warm hand shake, his optimistic attitude, his twinkling blue eyes, and his full head of hair are ways we remember Mac.

Mac was “Santa” year round.  Mac loved life, he loved his friends, he loved his family, and he loved his country.  Mac loved his beautiful and most gracious wife, Annette.  What a wonderful couple!

Mac loved his life.  He shared with me, and I know many of you, his life stories.

Mac talked about his fond memories of his working side by side with his granddad milking cows and helping with his granddad’s oil wells.  There he learned to enjoy hard work.

Mac shared his great experiences on the basketball court and on the baseball field.  He was a very determined individual.  He definitely showed his determination alongside his basketball teammates known as the “Scats” winning state championships.

Mac loved his country.  He and his teammates were offered scholarships.  Mac instead joined the Marines in early 1943 during WW II. —   He took great pride being a Marine.  He served in several invasions.  He believed that America was not just a place in the world, but the hope of the world.

He loved to read and to learn.  He had an appetite for knowledge.  Mac received his degree in business at Oklahoma A&M.  There Mac became the first in the university’s history to be initiated into ATO, Alpha Tau Omega.  The year was 1947.

Mac went on to obtain his law degree.

Mac loved the oil and gas industry.  He was loved by his fellow workers at Gulf, Anschutz Drilling, Golden Oil and Tony Oil Co.  He served as president of Anschutz Drilling, Golden Oil Co. and Tony Oil Co.

Mac was very effective in his service as chairman of the International Society of the Energy Advocates.  He was a spokesman throughout the US for the oil and gas industry.  He served in leadership roles with other energy industry groups.

Mac was very proud of his long time relationship with the Osage Nation.

Mac was a true leader.  He could fit in with any situation.  He didn’t mind getting his hands dirty on location or dressing up for an event.  He treated everyone with respect.

He loved nature.  Mac especially loved fishing.  I remember him telling the story of his successful and record keeping fishing trip to New Zealand, for example.

Mac was the ultimate friend.  We could always count on him.

Mac has definitely left a legacy for us all, a true mentor.

He believed in the Golden Rule and in the power of prayer.  We leave here today with wonderful memories of our dear friend Mac Alloway.

Our challenge is to carry on Mac’s dedicated and determined spirit of life.  He would tell us to go out and make a difference!  Mac truly did!”

America Needs America’s Energy!  Together we can create the People’s Energy Plan!  Go to to join the effort.  Facebook:  America Needs America’s Energy with over 8500 supporters plus and growing.  —   America Needs America’s Energy:  Creating Together the Peoples’ Energy Plan!

John Harper

johnharperJohn Harper
Vice President, External Affairs, AEP/Public Service Company of Oklahoma
Air Date, December 29, 2013

John Harper serves as Vice President for External Affairs at Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO), an electric utility serving more than 530,000 customers. He is responsible for PSO´s Governmental and Environmental Affairs, Community Relations, Economic Development and Corporate Communications functions.

Harper, who began his career at PSO, has served as vice president of Business Logistics at American Electric Power, vice president and group director for SEEBOARD plc, a Central and South West Corp (CSW) subsidiary in the United Kingdom, executive assistant to the chairman and chief executive officer of CSW, among other positions.

Harper earned a bachelor’s degree in political science and public administration from Evangel University and a master’s degree in business administration from Oral Roberts University.

Specialties:Governmental liaison, community affairs, economic development, corporate communications, business logistics

Vice President, External Affairs
Public Service Company of Oklahoma
July 2010 – Present (3 years 6 months)Tulsa, OK
Provides executive leadership for PSO´s Governmental and Environmental Affairs, Community Relations, Economic Development and Corporate Communications functions.
American Electric PowerVice President, Business Logistics
American Electric Power

February 2005 – June 2010 (5 years 5 months)Columbus, Ohio Area
Provided executive leadership for the fleet services, supply chain, physical security and aviation functions within the AEP System.
American Electric PowerVice President, General Services
American Electric Power

July 2003 – February 2005 (1 year 8 months)Columbus, Ohio Area
Senior executive responsible for providing leadership for the facilities management, land management, fleet services, office services, and aviation functions across the 11-state AEP System.

American Electric PowerVice President, Corporate Technology Department
American Electric Power
August 2000 – July 2003 (3 years)Columbus, Ohio Area
Senior executive responsible for developing and implementing a long-term technology development plan. Directed resources to address key strategic technology initiatives through technology research, development and demonstration projects.

Vice President, Group Director of SEEBOARD
Central and Southwest Corporation – United Kingdom
1998 – 2000 (2 years)Crawley, United Kingdom

SEEBOARD Board Member with statuary and fiduciary responsibilities for SEEBOARD, an electric distribution subsidiary in the UK. Responsible for effective communication with CSW Executives and the SEEBOARD management team, ensuring full understanding and resolution of business issues, including the industry restructuring, transition to competitive markets and merger of SEEBOARD and Yorkshire Electricity.

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